Australian Rules Football is inclusive to all genders, nationalities and levels of experience, and we welcome enquiries from those with a disability regarding the accessibility of Australian Rules Football. The club competes against Cambridge in an annual Varsity, as well as against other universities and club teams throughout the year. The club also organises an annual footy tour to Europe, with recent years including matches in Italy and Germany.
Our Club | Oxford University Australian Rules Football Club
OUARFC is the oldest Australian Rules Football Club outside of Australia, and one of the oldest varsity clubs of the University. Formed just after the First World War, the Club is now approaching its centenary year and played its first match against Cambridge in 1921, making it the longest running Australian football rivalry outside of Australia. OUARFC is also one of the first clubs in the UK to start a women’s team, with the first Oxford women’s game played in February 2015.
In recent years our team has comprised representatives from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States, and the United Kingdom. It is a very social and welcoming environment and we encourage anyone interested to be in touch with the President or the Captain.
Past members include current AFL Commission Chairman and dual Carlton Football Club Premiership Captain Mike Fitzpatrick, Chairman of the Australian Sports Commission John Wylie, prominent businessman Sir Rod Eddington, and Hawthorn supporter Lionel Nichols. In 2011 we were the subject of an Australian Broadcasting Corporation documentary.
The highlight of our year is the annual varsity match against Cambridge. In addition to a fixture of matches against UK universities and club teams, OUARFC also organises an annual footy tour to Europe, with recent years including matches in Italy and Germany.
More Details
For more details on our club including memberships & training times please visit our club website:
For all club enquiries feel free to send us an email through the following link: